Reflecting on God's Goodness After the Storm

It is with great excitement and thankful heart I can announce that my husband starts his new job next Monday!

Our storm began on January 17, when he called me from Chicago to give me the “good news” that he was coming home, only to then give me the bad news that his job had been cut. The first words out of my mouth were, “It’s okay. God has something better.”

And I really believed that He did. Anxiety only began to creep in when I discovered that our family’s health insurance would end on January 31.

Then sometime in the early morning hours of February 1, the youngest of our three kids became extremely sick. The following week, almost like clockwork, the middle child was hit with the exact same symptoms. And finally, last week the oldest child was diagnosed with the flu and I drove her home from college to care for her for two days.

Seriously? Are you kidding me, God???

I have been fiercely fighting to stay healthy as well, battling my own sinus/cough/respiratory crud. Hoping to stay away from the doctor’s office so as not to have to pay out of pocket costs or activate expensive COBRA insurance.

But thankfully God has taken care of us through all the illnesses and we are fortunate that my oldest two are also covered under their step-mom’s health insurance. It was truly a blessing that my daughter had that insurance card when she visited the Urgent Care in Boone.

That brings me to several reflections I believe God has shown me throughout the last month and a half as to why He allows us to go through storms in life.

He sometimes allows storms to humble us. First, after the job loss, I was completely blown away by the messages of support and prayers from friends, even offers of help if we needed it. I was also amazed at the network of friends my husband has in his co-workers, former colleagues, and old friends who reached out to him immediately in to offer job leads or recommendations on his behalf. I only hope I can be equally supportive in my prayers and encouragement to those same friends within our community who were so kind to us during this time should they ever have needs that arise.

The healthcare situation has also humbled me. I have never been without health insurance and honestly have taken it for granted. Once you are in a position that you probably need to go to the doctor, but choose not to because who knows how much it will cost, it is eye-opening as to why we need health care reform that is truly affordable in this country!

God allows us to go through storms to rekindle our faith. When we rely on Him during these times and trust Him to prove Himself faithful (which He always does), our faith grows even stronger, and our love for Him even deeper. Without experiencing times of trouble, our dependence on God can diminish as we may have the illusion that all is well on our own.

It is good every so often to be reminded that God is still in control and He still keeps His promises. Storms are a good time to remind ourselves of the promises in His Word. He has continually amazed me with working out even the tiniest details of our lives and blessing us during this situation.

Sometimes God allows storms to force us to move in a situation so that we may receive His next blessing. Even though it was somewhat of a shock in the beginning, this job loss has proven to be a better thing for our family. My words to my husband over the phone turned out to be prophetic. God did have something better, indeed.

However, my husband needed to be forced to move so that he could find this new opportunity. He was as loyal as employee as they come and was committed to his work and to the success of the company. He had not searched for another job in the 13 ½ years he had been employed. Therefore, God had to allow this to happen so that the best next career move could take place.

Jesus said:

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] John 16:33 (AMP)

Life is not perfect for any of us but we can be thankful that we have a Good, Good Father who can give us perfect peace and confidence in our storms and that He is actively at work in our circumstances. His ways are always higher and better!

Continuing to praise Him…


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